Wednesday, September 2, 2015

“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18: 16-17 (NRSV). In heeding Jesus Christ's admonition, we can clearly see that children are featured prominently in God's plan of eternity. Therefore the key for raising children is based on their upbringing in spiritual ways, through education, understanding, and experience.

Parents and family members teach children the rules of the home. These rules are all good and necessary for the entire family. Because their kids are young, these behavioral standards are taught them in simple ways that are easily understood. Therefore all children of average intelligence will have no problems knowing the dos and don'ts that they are taught daily. This guidance is for their own good.

An Italian author Pieto Aretino (1492 – 1556), who wielded immense influence on contemporary arts and politics observed, “I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.” Such a realization not only goes for the children that parents love but also for the relationships between their dads and moms.

Team Spirit

As our children grow older, there's a shift in training in having more holistic goals. In kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school, they begin to learn about all aspects of growing up that are important for cultivating well-rounded personalities. Parents and teachers' focus move away from just reading, writing, and arithmetic, but to the beginning of going to church, doing physical exercises, studying, and participating in team sports. Now parents will make time to explain the merits and demerits of doing these activities. They may tell their kids that “getting adequate exercise is necessary and it's also a part of developing a team spirit.” Through special programs, these children will be developing the skills of playing, working with their friends, and understanding that sharing and cooperation are essential aspects for building community spirit.

Babe Ruth (1895 – 1948), an American baseball player explained that “the way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together the club won't be worth a dime.” Ruth like many parents realize that although individual performance is desired, it's for kids to understand that true success lies with the entire team. As Christians we are first of all a community and that is what matters most.

Nutrition and Tests

Growing up as children, we often hear from our parents, “Drink your milk. It's a perfect food with lots of protein and vitamins.” We will also hear, “You've to eat your vegetables to be strong.” Other advice comes to us, “You must not eat so much candy - it isn't good for you. Watch your fruit juices, soda, and be careful about additives.” These ingredients they are told may be harmful to them if they are to grow up healthy. Then parents will continue to remind them, “Be sure to get plenty of sleep, rest, and exercise for the benefit of your growth, spirit, and emotional health.”

However throughout their lives there will continue to be tests. There are tests at school that make kids anxious concerning whether they are going to pass or fail their exams. There are tests while playing on teams that make them wonder if they will be good enough players. And, there are tests when they go to their doctors for shots, when illnesses strike, and when there are dental check ups. But after these years, they are ready for college with more tests, failures, and successes.

A Life with God

Yet, parents and teachers will be amiss if they raise their children not knowing a loving God. It's true there are many denominations from which a family may choose a faith tradition. When they attend church with their children they are continuing to teach them vital lessons about life. In short, they will be demonstrating to them that although all they do are important, there's much more responsibility to living successfully. In their life it's good to let them see that living without God will be meaningless. It's for their parents to teach them about Christ's advice to love one another and be of service to mankind. These pointers of Christian living must start when children are young. So that as they develop in their Christian faith tradition they will be more productive and authentic adults.

Thomas Paine (1737 – 1809), an English-American political activist and revolutionary reminded us that “those who want to recap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it.” Living in a predominantly Christian nation we have to bear crosses. It's our weight if you like, as we journey onward while working for the betterment of our society. This is much like being like children by living in the simplicity of a Christian vocation.               

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